
Gay Pride!

So I had talked with my brother about how today is this big gay pride parade here in DC, and I figured I'd go out and watch it. Especially since it was going to be going on around 20 feet from my apartment. But I had to wait for the cable guy to come and rewire some things so that I could watch TV and be on the internet whenever I want. Meaning... pretty much every time I'm in my apartment.

Anyway, the guy came over an hour later than the four hour time window. Which is the second time this has happened in the two times that I've had Comcast come by to work here. At least I get the $20 off my next bill. So I won't be gouged quite as much.

But I did get to catch most of the parade. Which was wild. You never realize just how conservative of a city Cincinnati is until you go to a gay pride parade in a different city. I certainly hadn't seen so many transvestites (or transexuals... I'm not really sure which they were...) before in my life. And I'd only seen big rigs full of hot latino men in speedos and hotpants on tv before. That was an interesting experience. Also, I'd just like, for once, to have women check me out like the gay men here do. Damnit.

Anyway, I now know what Hollaback Girl sounds like, as I heard the most stereotypically fey voice scream out "Oh my god, that's Hollaback Girl!" I certainly wouldn't have recognized that. I did pick out the Gloria Estefan and The Weather Girls. And feel silly for knowing the name of the one-hit wonder.

The best part of the parade was the people watching. Gay people just make much more interesting people.

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