
Ocean's Thirteen, Sense and Sensibility, The Good Shepherd, & Superbad

Ocean's Thirteen is probably the last of the Ocean's films, and honestly, the fun of watching a bunch of attractive people messing around will never get old, but the plot was stretched very thin. I liked it, but not as much as 11 or 12. And Al Pacino was basically himself. Again.

Sense and Sensibility, the new BBC miniseries version, isn't as good as Ang Lee's version, but it isn't as bad as the new Mansfield Park or Persuasion. Well, they weren't bad, but just not as good as the books. And Willoughby wasn't nearly as old as he seemed in the books. He seemed like he was in his very, very early 20s, and that just isn't old enough to be the dashing rapscallion of the novel.

The Good Shepherd was far too long, and I just didn't think it was all that impressive. Great cast, but why not just use the actual story, rather than making this one up. Eh.

Superbad was pretty funny, but ultimately, I think far too much time was spent with the cops, probably a result of Seth Rogen actually writing the film, and giving himself the role. I wanted more time with Michael Cera. Or just the same amount with Cera, and just less with everyone else. Jonah Hill was funny, but I really hated his character. A total ass and extremely self-involved to the point where he doesn't even realize how much he's holding everyone else back. And I remember reading some people were totally misreading the final scene as that Jules was going to get with Seth. It's so freakin' obvious that will not happen. Also, The Vag-Tastic Voyage is clever, but I just wondered if the actual porn site that's based on refused to allow them to use the name? They do use the actual Mr. Skin in Knocked Up, right? I haven't seen that yet. The penis drawings were a nice touch though.

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