
Thieves' Highway, Night and the City, & Attack the Gas Station

Thieves' Highway was weak. What's up with trucker movies? This and They Drive by Night were both bad. Oh, and Over the Top. Truckers just make for crappy movies. I know that there are probably good movies with trucks or truckers in them, but most are bad. I don't care about golden delicious apples, and I didn't care about anyone in the film short of Lee J. Cobb, but I just cared that he got to overact in a few scenes before he got his comeuppance, which, as this is a Hollywood film, would come soon enough.

Night and the City was a much better Dassin film, this about trying to corner the market on wrestling in London. Richard Widmark is great as the crooked guy putting everything in motion. And Gene Tierney is still very attractive.

Attack the Gas Station was insane. And bizarre. And crazy. But man, it was insanely, bizarrely, crazily awesome. Of course it was all a metaphor for the Korean society at the turn of the century. Which was obvious. I'm pretty sure it's obvious. I mean, otherwise it's just a crazy movie about four young men who knock over a gas station, and then rob it again a little while later all while making a lot of the people they were involved with have better lives. Well, except for the jerks. They got what they deserved. So many parts of this film were insanely awesome, like the backstories, the stick, the fights, the game, and head down. Really, it's just a movie that deserves to be seen by anyone with an interest in film.

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