
Went the Day Well?

Went the Day Well? was far more brutal than I was expecting. Were all the British censors too busy being involved in the war effort that they didn't bother with a film that kills many innocent people? I mean, they're Nazis, but they even shot the kid in the leg. What the hell? That said, it's a great and suspenseful film, something which would never have been made by a major Hollywood studio. Especially not in 1942. The war was starting to turn, but the use of a post-war framing device made three years before the end of the war was a very interesting choice, and it works pretty well. It's not like an English film wouldn't have ended in the way you'd expect, but it took quite some time getting to that point, and with a lot more casualties than I was expecting. Good for them. I definitely enjoyed the film, and I recommend it if you liked The Eagle Has Landed, or are a fan of Graham Greene who wrote the short story the movie was based on. I need to read some of his stuff.

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