
Zoo, So Goes the Nation, & Jesus Camp

Zoo is a semi-documentary, in that it's based on interviews with participants, but is almost entirely reenactments of what happened. And what happened was horse sex. Horses having sex with men. And one disturbing reference to a pony blowing a larger horse. What the hell bestiality proponents? That's just completely messed up. I let a lot of crazy stuff go when it comes to sex, but there are just some things that I will never, ever be ok with: animals, children, and scat. Doesn't mean I'm into all the rest, but man, those three just are so damn icky. This didn't feel at all like a documentary, as the reenactments and ridiculous lighting just felt like affectations.

So Goes the Nation is the surest way to get me extremely pissed off. Damnit, USA, why did you have to screw up so much? And why didn't Kerry fight back at all instead of being a worthless candidate? We could have had a President Edwards. I would have loved that. The movie itself wasn't particularly enlightening, even as it was strange to see places I've been and some people I knew from volunteering for the Kerry campaign back then. Maybe in a few years I wouldn't be so pissed about it all, but that's not really likely. As disappointing as the 2000 election was, that the country decided to go even further down the path of mindless fear in 2004 is the biggest disappointment in my political experience. That it happened in Ohio, and that I was volunteering there before moving to the District just made me realize I could and would have been one of those crying in Ohio rather than where I was, crying in NYC.

Jesus Camp is scary. Why must we torture our children by forcing them to believe anything? I was watching Real Time with Bill Maher and he had that drunken lout Christopher Hitchens (who I saw once) on and were discussing just how often people changed religions from what they were raised. Watching these kids raised to be crazy Christians made me wish that they would grow into a healthy skepticism before they turn 18 and can vote. Because otherwise, some states are screwed.

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