
Dead or Alive 2, Avalon, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, & those damn lying Republicans

Dead or Alive 2 was actually a much more sensitive movie than the first one, although the sprouting of wings was a little heavy handed, and put that together with the intertitles and you get a very obvious film. The hitmen working for vaccines for Africa was a nice touch, but it just built a weird sense of reality in what was otherwise a sort of messed-up morality tale. I actually thought that it was good, except for a few bits that were just unnecessarily gross, but those are to be expected in any Miike film. The DVD itself was somewhat crappy. So I'd actually recommend the first and second films in the trilogy to anyone who wants to see a couple somewhat crazy yakuza films, but the final one needs a little warning before jumping into it.

Avalon was... somewhat impressive visually, but the plot never really made any sense. Well, you sort of had to have seen the Matrix to get some idea of what was going on, which shouldn't be required for anything that isn't a sequel. Pretty crappy, and the English dubbing was terrible. Just let them speak in Polish and use subtitles. At least I didn't have to pay any money to see it. The sepia tones did give the movie a unique look, but there was nothing unique about the plot. Shame really.

And I finally want to discuss just how happy the two episodes of Arrested Development on Monday made me. Very happy. I thought that there were so many funny lines that it would be a waste to go through them all. Just the funniest show on TV. Although the Curb Your Enthusiasm about jackets and kidneys and the Playboy Mansion was the best episode of this season so far I think.

And politics sucks. All my clients lost. All of them.

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