
Well, aren't the younguns all going to hell in a handbasket?

Because I haven't been watching movies this week and I'm going home for Thanksgiving, I leave you with this AIM conversation that occurred Friday afternoon. I don't know what the hell the world is coming to when a 10 year old uses this filthy language. I probably wouldn't post this if it weren't just amazing that someone could be this insane.

numba1stud1229 (5:02:54 PM): do you know who i am
numba1stud1229 (5:03:04 PM): hi
me (5:14:27 PM): what would give me any hint as to who you are?
numba1stud1229 (5:15:05 PM): i live in your neiborhood
me (5:15:26 PM): which is where?
numba1stud1229 (5:16:00 PM): reganmead
numba1stud1229 (5:16:44 PM): im..................................................harris
me (5:16:59 PM): where is reganmead and who is harris?
numba1stud1229 (5:17:01 PM): due
numba1stud1229 (5:17:14 PM): who is this
numba1stud1229 (5:17:19 PM): ??????
me (5:17:29 PM): you're the one who im'ed me
numba1stud1229 (5:17:50 PM): whats your name
me (5:18:08 PM): well, I'll give you a hint, and it's my screenname
numba1stud1229 (5:18:33 PM): [redacted] what neiborhood
numba1stud1229 (5:20:16 PM): yt
numba1stud1229 (5:20:30 PM): ???
numba1stud1229 (5:21:11 PM): ello
me (5:21:25 PM): considering I don't know who you are nor do I know where reganmead is, I don't feel comfortable continuing this conversation, plus I feel you could work a little on your spelling
numba1stud1229 (5:21:50 PM): ok bitch
numba1stud1229 (5:21:58 PM): ass hole
numba1stud1229 (5:22:53 PM): aaaaaaaaaawwwwwww are you scard
me (5:23:10 PM): why, exactly would I feel scared about someone who doesn't know who I am, nor where I live?
me (5:23:58 PM): plus, really, calling me a bitch shows a level of maturity far beyond your spelling skills
numba1stud1229 (5:24:08 PM): you are a mother fucker
numba1stud1229 (5:24:23 PM): :-D:-X
numba1stud1229 (5:24:39 PM): hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
me (5:25:24 PM): wow, I'm really, really, really impressed with your ability to curse
me (5:25:29 PM): and use emoticons
numba1stud1229 (5:25:36 PM): yea
numba1stud1229 (5:25:44 PM): you should
me (5:25:52 PM): maybe you should try elevating your discourse to an 8 year old level
numba1stud1229 (5:26:17 PM): how old are you im 10
numba1stud1229 (5:26:23 PM): ???
me (5:27:17 PM): see, that doesn't shock me at all
numba1stud1229 (5:27:43 PM): how old
numba1stud1229 (5:27:45 PM): 2
numba1stud1229 (5:27:53 PM): hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha ha
me (5:27:56 PM): I'd recommend just ending the conversation and backing away before you continue to embarrass yourself
numba1stud1229 (5:28:43 PM): ok bitch or are you scard
me (5:29:01 PM): I'd be a lot more scared if you could complete a sentence
numba1stud1229 (5:29:32 PM): i did dum ass
numba1stud1229 (5:30:14 PM): go suck your moms dick
me (5:30:28 PM): ooh, clever
numba1stud1229 (5:30:30 PM): hhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha
numba1stud1229 (5:30:40 PM): i know
numba1stud1229 (5:30:48 PM): im good
numba1stud1229 (5:31:36 PM): you dont curs do you
numba1stud1229 (5:31:43 PM): ?????????????????????????????????????????????
me (5:31:55 PM): why don't you start saying things like my mom's so fat you rolled over twice and were still on top of her?
numba1stud1229 (5:32:36 PM): because thats gay like you
numba1stud1229 (5:32:46 PM): hahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahaha
numba1stud1229 (5:33:15 PM): ooooooooo i got you
me (5:33:16 PM): wow, homophobia can be added to the reasons why you're a top notch human being
numba1stud1229 (5:33:53 PM): im not smart i will ad ment that
numba1stud1229 (5:34:11 PM): im in 5th
numba1stud1229 (5:34:22 PM): grade
me (5:35:08 PM): I'd really suggest that you just sign off and go wash up for dinner
numba1stud1229 (5:36:23 PM): you go wash your dick so you can suck it...........oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo
numba1stud1229 (5:36:46 PM): hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhah ahah

...31 blank lines sent by numba1stud1229...

me (5:39:38 PM): if only I could suck my own dick, I'd be a happy man
numba1stud1229 (5:40:08 PM): by bitch
numba1stud1229 signed off at 5:40:13 PM.

I win.

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