
Porn v. Art v. How To Be Good

Well, I don't want to toot my own horn too much, but I scored a 10 out of 10 on this quiz. I recognized two of these pictures (two of the art ones, that is), so the other 8 were just good educated guesses, but yay me!

At some point I'll start to write up what I did over my break, but it was lots of movies and reading How To Be Good, which was not nearly as good as Hornby's other books. Some of that could be that I don't identify with the protagonist (a female doctor in her 30's in suburban England with two kids), but I think Hornby's much better when he's writing about football, music and men. His music criticism is always interesting, and High Fidelity and About a Boy are two of the best fiction books I've read in the past decade. Not the best, but near the best.

Movie stuff will be written when I have some free time, or at least time where there's stuff I'm less interested in doing.

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