
Mona Lisa, The Sopranos, & Big Love

Mona Lisa is actually much more similar to The Crying Game than I was expecting. Not that there were IRA members or transsexuals, but just the movie felt like an extended part of the relationship between Fergus and Dil. The black prostitute having a sexually ambiguous relationship with a criminal going straight is a little similar, but that would be selling both movies woefully short, as both are outstanding films. Bob Hoskins, Cathy Tyson, Michael Caine, and Robbie Coltrane all give very good performances. And that Hoskins didn't win the Oscar for this role is a travesty. Also, I love the bunny. Such a bizarre little touch. Plus, I want to thank George Harrison for this movie. Good for him. He is responsible for some very good movies. And some crap, I guess, but I've never seen Shanghai Surprise. About the only bad thing about the movie was the use of that Genesis song. What was up with that? Well, that, and I was sort of disappointed by the ending, but listening to the commentary on the DVD, it's clear that the ending was because Neil Jordan loved George so much. I really just enjoyed the little epilogue, even if I would have preferred a slightly different ending to the main plot.

New Sopranos and Big Love? Definitely worth watching. What a great cast in Big Love, with two of the smaller roles from Veronica Mars with Amanda Seyfried and Tina Majorino. And how about the last couple scenes of the Sopranos? Wow.

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