
The Naked Kiss & Whispering Corridors

The Naked Kiss is a great Samuel Fuller trashy movie. That ends up being something much more than the sum of its parts, mainly because Fuller is so capable of turning the myriad clichés in the film on their head. A prostitute beats the crap out of her pimp with a shoe (very effectively filmed) and then two years later tries to go straight after sleeping with a cop and then plans on marrying a pillar of the community? Seems sort of cliché, but then the little twists, the little strange bits start coming up and you realize that it's a great feminist movie. And that murder can be justified if the murderee is evil enough. And there's Charlie, something that struck me as bizarre from the opening credits where he was credited as himself. That's usually a dog or a horse or some other type of animal. Not in Fuller's movie though.

Whispering Corridors has a lot of Korean schoolgirls in uniforms. If that does it for you, you will love this movie. And if you like Korean schoolgirls in uniforms and creepy horror films that are actually somewhat scary, then you will love this. And since it's me, I enjoyed it. A little difficult to tell the many many different schoolgirls apart, except for a couple of them. And it certainly wasn't a great film, or anything, but it was much better than a lot of the more highly regarded Asian horror films I've seen, since it doesn't just repeat what's been done before. Well, at least not as much as most of the other ones I've seen. The DVD was a little on the weak side, with pretty weak video and little to no extra content, as I'd be sort of interested to know if it's common for male teachers to be so sexually suggestive with their young female students or even have them beat the crap out of them. Anyway, it's fun that I went on a journey into my feminine side last night.

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