

Chaos is the film that Hideo Nakata made right after Ringu. Or maybe after Ringu 2, it isn't entirely clear. I'm also not sure why I decided it was a good idea to add it to my queue. Maybe I hadn't seen Ringu first. It's a twisty confusing film that doesn't entirely make sense, but there are flashbacks and twists galore! And it rips off Vertigo and Stage Fright! Far too much for my liking! I don't know. I really don't. Sometimes, I feel like I am hurting myself by watching films, but I get antsy when I haven't seen a new one for a while. And I hate not watching a Netflix dvd as soon as I can. It's a compulsion. I need to fix this somehow, but since I currently am not trying very hard, it's just not going to work. Either way, I wish I knew when a film was going to be completely middling before I even bothered to add it to my queue. If only I trusted one person's movie tastes.

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