
Idiocracy, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary, & Blade: Trinity

Idiocracy is pretty funny, but it's completely understandable why the film wasn't released. Not only is it an anti-corporate film, but it's also a mess. The special effects, while mainly practical, are not seamless, and almost all the characters are all extremely dumb. At least that's the point. The satire works, because it's really easy, but it's done pretty well. Plus, there are more handjob jokes per square inch in this film than in pretty much any other film. Plus, the whole smart people are faggy actually fits fairly well with the current administration's feelings on intelligence. And really, the morals of the film: read books, smart people have kids, and make sure you care whose ass is on the screen and who farted. All very important.

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry felt pretty similar to a lot of other crazy criminal racer movies of the 1970s, like Vanishing Point and Two-Lane Blacktop. None of them are particularly good films, but they're at least interesting from a counter-cultural aspect, along with some occasional good car chases. This one isn't as good as the other two. Those felt much less annoying, although it could have just been the fact that it's about two guys robbing banks to become NASCAR racers. Plus, the ending just felt tacked on.

Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary tries to make me feel sorry for a Nazi. Sorry, just not going to happen. Especially not one who just talks for an hour and a half. Seriously, what a boring documentary. Even at the important parts, the limiting nature of basically one camera angle just can't build any tension. It also probably would have been better had I not seen Downfall before this. I knew basically everything that was going to happen.

Blade: Trinity is crap. Man, I guess you really can't make a good movie after making two mediocre ones, even if they had some very good ideas in them. Maybe it has to do with the use of Ryan Reynolds (who's really terrible) and Jessical Biel. It really just doesn't work at all, even if Parker Posey is lots of fun. Because she always is. Usually one of the, if not the, best parts of anything she's in. Plus, I guess I am just a vampire snob, but I really didn't like the messing with the Dracula mythos. Damnit. At least this has a vampire Pomeranian.

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