
Major Dundee & a variety of musical notes

Major Dundee was an early Sam Peckinpah Western, set in the New Mexico territory and Mexico. Since it's during the Civil War, you get both racist Confederates and poncy Frenchmen. And a bizarrely Austrian woman. I think she's Austrian, and honestly, I probably just blacked out during that line of dialogue. I was just wondering how they were going to get Heston shirtless with a woman. And then they got him shirtless with a woman who had a bizarre, out of place accent. And then he got hit with an arrow and ended up with some random Mexican woman falling all over him. I guess I will never understand why there was the need to include women in this film. Just have it be the homoerotic masterpiece it should have been. Or change it so that it's more about the boy being deflowered and shaving. Cause that was at least more interesting to me than a lot of this film. I know that there were problems from the beginning when I started to read that the film had been taken away from Peckinpah before he was allowed to film it all. The edited version probably left in the topless Heston though.

Quite a few notes about music I've listened to recently. The new Rosebuds is not nearly as different from the previous albums as I thought upon first listen. It's not as good as the first album (quite punchy pop) or the second one (slightly more melancholy punchy pop about birds), but it's still pretty good. The Talking Heads are one of those bands I'm just going to have to appreciate for what they've done rather than their actual music. I like the first album almost in its entirety, and there's usually at least one song on the rest of them that I love. The idea is far better than the execution. Air is the perfect band for walking down Connecticut Avenue in the dark on a beautiful evening. Air is also quite good. French pop of the Ye-Ye girl variety is far too enjoyable for someone who otherwise claims sophisticated taste. Also, that goes doubly for cheesy J-pop. And Waterloo by ABBA. Can't stand them in general (Dancing Queen should be taken out behind the woodshed and shot), but Waterloo is brilliant.

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