Listen to the colour of your dreams
It's time for the latest edition of Caseus Velox's magnetic fridge poetry. This is thanks to the fact that I still buy music, and I got a great set of magnetic poetry with the newest Destroyer album (because Merge Records is awesome and always give great stuff with every order, and there's a Merge Records magnetic piece included). Some great words in there, although the lack of prepositions is a serious limit to my writing skills (read putting magnets in random order until it makes sense). Anyway, here's a lot of those good words in a poem I'm going to entitle "Messed up on a Tangent That Was Wrong".
shivers, it pirouettes high around
flowing breeze of alabaster flowers.
the horizon sipping flame at sunrise,
torched sky, rivers in my favorite eyes.
ashen leaves, diamond foam, blind love.
thread cut, beware first night's dreams,
sadness, ecstasy form disgusting hands
wringing terrible applause from amateurs.
I actually wrote this in the middle of watching There Will Be Blood and eating Mint Chocolate Cookie. Apparently, a good evening.
I probably won't write any more poetry unless someone actually complements me on it, or I get more prepositions, articles, and other small words. And the "u" was intentional, as it's a lyric from one of my favorite songs ever, "Tomorrow Never Knows".
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