
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein was some goofy fun. Some lines and reactions made the movie worth watching. It's not like it's a classic, as I am not that big a fan of the team but it's definitely more enjoyable than some other movie of theirs I think I've seen. Or maybe I'm just half-remembering some other comedy group with a fat guy and a tall guy. Not like that isn't a popular team. I'm also not too happy with the off-canon "killing" of Dracula. I know he doesn't actually die, but they made it seem like he was dead. And the animation was really distracting. I know there was no better way to do the transformation of Dracula, but with the great transformation effects of the Wolfman (about the only good thing about that wretched monster), the obviousness just makes it look worse in comparison. Anyway, it was a pleasant enough 90 minutes. Yay for TCM.

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