
Global Frequency & I'm the One That I Want

I saw Global Frequency. Possibly the best pilot I've seen of a show that didn't get picked up ever. Better than Heat Vision and Jack and Lookwell. Well, those shows were hilariously terrible. This was actually a great show. It really made me want to know what happened next. And the effects were actually good. Acting was acceptable for the main characters, and the ending bit was horrendously cliched, but Michelle Forbes was great, and Aimee Garcia as Aleph was also good (I knew she was vaguely familiar, and then I saw that she was in Angel 3.11, Birthday). I just thought it was a great idea, and it looked like it could be pretty darn good if it was allowed to go on. And I wish that I didn't have to do anything remotely illegal to watch it. But I mainly just want to put another thing online about how good the pilot was and how much WB needs to... I don't know... get their collective heads out of their collective asses and bring Angel and Global Frequency back damnit.

I'm the One That I Want was pretty funny, and vulgar. Vulgar vulgar vulgar. It's weird to see more recent shots of Margaret where she's thinner. It's just weird. I remember catching some of her early stand-up back in the early 90s, and I remember not watching her show. Interesting how that all goes.

1 comment:

Assistant Atlas said...

Angel ain't coming back [silent tear], but the Global Frequency might be. You'd be surprised how supportive thousands of horribly-illegal torrent-watchers can be. Technorati should keep you updated of the situation as it unfolds, but I've got a quick primer on how you can best help the GF here:

If you'd like to help, I could use you. I'm up against a multinational media conglomerate and I'm just an assistant. But like the GF tells us, ordinary people, brought together, can do extraordinary things.