
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, The Manchurian Candidate, Mysterious Skin, & Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children probably makes little sense to someone who doesn't already know these characters and the basic plot of FFVII. I also imagine that it might help to read some reviews of it to see if you can pick up the plot, since most of it doesn't really get explained. I also appreciated that Tifa had more clothes on this time. Before was sort of ridiculous. I also would have preferred that there was more Aeris, but since she's dead, I guess we can't have that. Makes me somewhat interested in seeing what they could do with new technology and FFVII. Well, I guess we can always just accept that the new games will have to keep us busy.

The Manchurian Candidate was ok, but didn't need to be made, nor did it do anything new for the story. Denzel was ok, as were Meryl and Liev, but none really did anything new. Beh to the making of this movie.

Mysterious Skin is one of those, yay for pederasts movies. Wait, it was one of those pederasts are terrible movies. Quite a few more of the latter than the former. Acting was very good from that young alien, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I was a little shocked I actually liked a Gregg Araki movie. Did not care at all for Doom Generation. If you're up for a pederast movie, and for seeing Dawn in a good role, then see this movie.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire felt like it was just trying to fit in as much plot as possible, and thus just spent lots of time on the plot and not enough on allowing characters to do much. Plus, it didn't take nearly enough advantage of Katie Leung's accent. There were actual gasps in the theater when she spoke. Is a thick Scottish accent coming out of an Asian girl that surprising? Really? I like to think that it was just the audience. So yeah, I saw the movie in a theater. Does make me want to read the book, since it appears lots of interesting things happened outside of the scope of the book. JK needs to write quickly.

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