
High Sierra, Narc, & A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge

High Sierra would have been a solid little noir film with a strong performance from Bogart in the middle, except that it has Algernon. Who is one of the worst Hollywood stereotypes of a black man out there. Just so horribly racist that I couldn't get past him. Every single one of his scenes elicited a groan. I didn't even make it to his first words before I knew that he was going to be terrible. I just needed him to wake up with bug-eyes and I knew he'd be spouting off "boss"es and "massa"s before too long.

Narc has a good performance from Ray Liotta, but other than that, it's a pretty damn typical undercover cop story. I might have liked it a little more if I hadn't started to watch Friedkin's interview on the DVD. What a mistake. Wow, I want to compare this tiny little cop film with the French Connection. Because that is a great idea to compare them.

A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge is by far the worst Nightmare film. How can Kreuger function in reality? How can they completely ruin the Kreuger name with this? And it didn't even have any post modern aspects to make up for them like New Nightmare. I think it's interesting that Wes Craven had absolutely nothing to do with this movie. But that he was involved in 1 and 3, the two best in the series. He clearly has at least some talent. Unlike the people who were involved in this piece of shite. Oh, wait. This isn't terrible, it's just the best gay horror film ever. They just kept up with the naked Jesse shots, and him in his underwear, and what's with the gym teacher who's gay and into S&M? And why doesn't Jesse get with Lisa (who looks a hell of a lot like Meryl Streep)? My advice is to ignore that this one ever happened, and stick to the other ones. Unless you want to watch the gayest horror film ever! Note that this is all patently obvious without knowing about the gay text of the movie (I just knew it as the worst of the series), but knowing that makes it all the more obvious. Instead of Kreuger being all about taking revenge for being murdered by killing all the kids of the parents by attacking them through their dreams, in this one, he's a personification of gayness. I wonder how much of it was intentional. It's still a terrible movie, but you don't see too many gay horror movies. Even though TEH GAY is coming to get you! Or maybe just the completely unexplained dogs with human faces. Either way.

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