
Margot at the Wedding & Rachel Getting Married

Margot at the Wedding is Noah Baumbach clearly having had a very bad experience with a wedding. I'm not all that sure that it's a remotely good film, but it was interesting. Jack Black is only acceptable in small doses, as otherwise he is overbearing. Acceptable in some cases, but here, he's so low key that he's not really doing all that much. And I just didn't like or care for any of the characters in it.

Rachel Getting Married is such a hipster wedding that it was painful. Hindu themed with belly dancers, two hipsters playing the wedding march and an interracial wedding? Yep, hipster. Anne Hathaway was very good, and she didn't even show her nipples this time, unlike when she was very good in Brokeback Mountain. But pretty much, I just wanted it to be a little less indie. It was so, so indie. And the wedding itself should have ended way sooner than it did. But hey, that dude from TV on the Radio isn't that bad of an actor. Hurray! And the dishwasher scene was funny. Although, seriously, I feel like I have to apologize for not hating this film. At least it isn't mumblecore.

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