Poor But Sexy at Fort Reno 7/13
I had to look up the first two bands' names (Laura Zax and mittenfields, although I think Laura Zax was going by Laura Zax and the Alternative Rock Band at the show?). I wasn't all that impressed, and based on some of the overheard comments from other people, they also didn't really care for them. mittenfields was a good idea (I like people dressed up in a tiger suit and panda pajamas and I like indie rock), but the lead singer's screams were annoying. Laura Zax was just kinda quiet indie-rock type stuff. Just eh. EDIT: See comments below.
Poor But Sexy, however, I'm totally biased for. I am friends with the lead singer (who is also the brother of one of my roommates) and the guitarist is from one of the best bands I've ever seen live, The Dismemberment Plan. So I'm not an unbiased observer. And I'd heard and enjoyed their EP before. But they were a pretty fun show, with a lot of ridiculous lyrics and awesome stage presence. Basically, I highly recommend you go see them live. The crowd, too, seemed to enjoy it, with huge groups of highschoolers dancing up front. I chose to rock out while being nearly immobile near the back on a blanket, but it was just a good night for it, once the sun went down and you could see the stars above while listening to a dancy show that was kinda a mix of Prince and Steely Dan and Michael McDonald-y Yacht Rock. Or something, MBG and I were trying to decide on this. I say Prince mainly, but David needs to wear more purple, high heels, and do splits to get it just right. But he has the confidence and sense of humor just right, dedicating The Only Good Thing to the dogs in the audience.
Anyway, I also wanted to congratulate DC for having Fort Reno, a great place to spend an evening listening to a concert twice a week. As long as the bands aren't all that bad. But you can get fancy food at Whole Foods (how much do they have to love seeing a whole bunch of young people with disposable income coming in and spending $8 on salad bar fixings before the show?), then hang out and look at babies, dogs (there was a Great Dane there that had to weigh more than me), and hipster douchebags, gawk at Ian MacKaye (I laughed with him at a funny situation!) and other famous for DC music people (I got introduced to Joe Easley last night!). Yeah, um, I didn't geek out to them, but I did to others.
yeah....that wasn't mittenfields btw...it was 2 members from mittenfields and i think he said that mittenfields confirmed but then a member couldn't do it so they recruited some friends to play a show under the name Sweet Tea Pumpkin Pie...and btw...mittenfields is pretty awesome! www.myspace.com/mittenfields no screaming on these songs....so yeah...i agree...he could've done w/o all the yelling...or at least he could've controlled it better.
I was too busy eating and looking for my friends (who eventually showed up during the second band), so I missed most of their actual stage banter. I did remember about the guy saying something about it being only two guys from the band, but I was clearly to distracted by the tiger outfit and the screaming to really spend a lot of time talking about it. And I definitely missed the name he came up with, which pisses me off as a huge fan of both sweet tea and pumpkin pie.
So basically, I apologize to mittenfields for unintentionally confusing anyone about this.
i like screaming! i think some members of the crowd used to be in some pretty scream friendly bands.
I couldn't make it to Ft. Reno but I heard Sweet Tea Pumpkin pie rocked it.
regardless caseus velox...its cool that you said something...bad press is still press...ya know?!?
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