
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ocean's Twelve, & Memories of Murder

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy probably would have sucked much harder if I actually remembered more of the book. Or had listened to the radio show. Or something. It's just sort of bleh, with some interesting ideas, and it seemed more like an attempt to remind everyone of something really funny than an actual movie. Plus, Sam Rockwell was so damn annoying. Was Zaphod that annoying in the book? I'd probably have to reread it to find out. I actually enjoyed parts of it, but overall it was just pointless. Better to just read the book. Or something other than watch this.

Ocean's Twelve was not as fun as the first, but something must be said for a movie that can make me smile like a moron for a large portion of the movie. And Topher Grace is extremely enjoyable. It took me a while to figure out who was playing the Nighthawk, but the entire cast looked like they were having a blast, and the final scene just confirmed it. Here's the thing that people complaining about the movie don't really understand: the first movie was masterfully made fluff. This was just not as well made fluff. Still fun, but not as good as the last one. Very pretty cast and very pretty locations.

Memories of Murder is a pretty by the book serial killer movie, although being about South Korea around the time of the first elections gives it an added kick. The main two policemen are also good in this. The female officer seems to be there only when needed for the story, while the movie has this feeling of being very Korean, but like every American serial killer film: obsessed with seeing dead women and having them be horribly murdered. Admittedly, many serial killers are obsessed with killing women. Being based on a true event, however, adds extra weight to scenes, even if I don't know enough Korean history to know how accurate it all is. That they never found the killer makes it all worse.

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