
L.I.E. & Champagne for Caesar

L.I.E. was a pretty depressing and dark movie about pederasts. And some strong acting from the two leads. But it's such a sick movie that I didn't really care for it. I'd write more but that would require discussing some of the sick stuff that happens in it. And Brian Cox again is really good.

Champagne for Caesar. Well, that's the last time I listen only to that friend's movie recommendations. If I hadn't heard of the movie otherwise or read something positive, I'm not going to listen. I have other friends whose recommendations I listen to, but not him anymore. Sort of ok, sort of funny, but I'm not sure what is going on with anyone thinking it's brilliant or anything. Vincent Price still rocks hard, but I just wasn't too impressed. Plus, the DVD was crap. The menu audio was too loud, there were lots of scratches, and at least two parts where the video cuts out. Who makes a DVD with that many problems?

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