
Eat Drink Man Woman

I started watching Eat Drink Man Woman around 6:30, and quickly realised that was a terrible idea. I had to stop it around fifteen minutes in to have dinner. And I had a lot to eat, meaning that watching people sitting around with huge amounts of amazing looking food just made me feel slightly nauseous. Which sucked because that was some amazing looking food. Even ignoring just how good the food looked, the movie was amazingly touching. I'd, for some damn fool reason, seen Tortilla Soup before this. That was a Latino version set in southern California, only worth watching for the food. But it had the same basic plot. When I started to watch this, however, I completely forgot how wretched that was, and was just entranced by how amazing everything was in this. Ang Lee needs to make more movies like this and less like the Hulk. Admittedly I haven't seen the Hulk, but if there were more movies like Eat Drink Man Woman, I think the world would be a better place. But not movies exactly like Eat Drink Man Woman, as the aforementioned Tortilla Soup was crap. Watching the brief bit about Ang Lee in Taiwan just made it clear exactly why it was so effective: it was designed to be completely universal. And it succeeded beautifully. It's weird how many of movies I'm watching now are movies I know that my parents saw and loved when I was a youngun, but I missed because I was too young to appreciate them. Did make me feel like the middle daughter though. Damnit. I think I need to get back to work so I stop thinking about things.

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