
Grizzly Man & Bad News Bears

In Grizzly Man, Werner Herzog has found another crazy man to make a movie about. Typical Herzog. I did laugh when he said that he was familiar with insane actors and directors though. Because he worked with Klaus Kinski and Herzog himself is an insane man. The movie itself clearly fits well in his filmography with Fitzcarraldo (I still haven't seen it, but I know what it's about) and Aguirre. As for Tim Treadwell, well, he got exactly what was coming to him. What a sad story. Clearly at least somewhat mentally disturbed, and he probably was not the best person to spend lots of time alone in nature. I think that tends to lead to more insanity than if you were alone in the city. Because at least you're around people who will stop some of your more insane leanings. But man, Treadwell was just bat-guano insane. Fascinating movie though.

Bad News Bears was enjoyable, but I think I miss the worse cursing from the original. Stupid PG-13. PG back in the day was so much better. There could even be nudity in it. Stupid nanny police. Eh. It's an acceptable way to spend the running time, but it certainly isn't going to be remembered by me for being anything other than an unnecessary remake.

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