
The Trial of Joan of Arc & TV Notes

The Trial of Joan of Arc made me think much less of other films about Joan of Arc. Specifically Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc. This is the film about Joan of Arc. I can't imagine one being better. That said, I'm not entirely sure why Catholics outside of France would respect her. Then again, I think people who say that God speaks to them are crazy in the first place. Not quite burn at the stake crazy, but still pretty crazy. Movie itself was insanely short, but it still felt like a full movie. Very well made by Bresson.

A couple of other TV notes: Wonder Showzen is hilariously wrong, in every possible way. Big Love is excellent, The Sopranos this week was great (Paulie is so screwed), and Veronica Mars is moving to Tuesday... huh? I know that Lost is killing it in the ratings... but interesting. If this show gets cancelled... seriously, something is completely out of whack with the viewing public that they don't love this show. That George Michael and Maybe were in the episode just made it better. If there is a third season, and they go to college, it would be perfect to have them both in the cast. That would make me insanely happy. Then they need to hook up for my vicarous incestual smoochies!

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