
Mean Creek & Buffalo Bill and the Indians

Mean Creek has a great soundtrack. Spoon, Wilco, and (easily the best song from) Death Cab for Cutie, and there's a few other bands like the Eels, which I respect, but don't really listen to. And is a nice small little film. It's pretty good as well. Still can't see a Culkin without thinking about how terrible the Home Alone movies were. Maybe if they grow up a little, I'll stop thinking about them. Or, more accurately, I never will.

Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson is Robert Altman messing with us. Which is a lot of fun. It's still a mess, like most Altman films, and it's nowhere near his best 70s films, but I certainly preferred it to some. And it has a great line: "Listen, my glass got empty somehow, can you put a couple of fingers in there?" I do sort of wonder about how that glass got empty. I do wish that there was a little more Deadwood in it. It seemed like it could have gone there a couple times, but it was rated PG, so there went that.

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