
A Tale of Two Sisters

A Tale of Two Sisters has a English title that's unfortunately Dickensian, with a story that's anything but. In the middle is a twist that is both completely unexpected and also completely sensible. And after that happens, you keep waiting for everything to fall into place, and for everything you've seen to make sense. And in a devastating final scene it does. It's an outstanding horror film, in the finest tradition of being relentlessly creepy with only one or two jump scares, but it's more about regret. Regret for everything missed, everything ignored, everything family. I don't want to say too much more, because it would ruin it. Just know that while it may seem confusing at the beginning, it will make much more sense by the end, if not perfect sense. The movie itself was very well made, the house being a very important character, the cinematographer really bringing out the colors, and there were some very impressive scenes. I really can't say much, because going in with little information would be vastly better than knowing too much. It's nice to see an Asian horror film that, while it does have the creepy girl with hair covering her face that is the blight on vastly more popular films, is not afraid to have a movie that makes sense. Too few are capable of that simple request.

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