
Not One Less & Bill's Run

Not One Less is depressing as hell, I mean, it's about how horrible the education system is in rural China. It was gutwrenching, and the ending didn't fit at all with the rest of the movie, but that was required by the Chinese government, because otherwise it would just be about how kids are being educated by people only slightly older than them and communities have to decide whether they'd have chalk or fixed desks and education in the rural areas is backwards. It's really depressing. And it's painful to see that people live like that. Damn white male liberal guilt.

Bill's Run is about a political race in rural Kansas. Well, it's not like there's that much that isn't rural Kansas, and it's not even that rural for Kansas. It's freaky though, that this guy ran as a Republican. Seriously, he's a pro-education, tax-and-spend, and pro-choice guy. But he does have a good name in Kansas politics: Kassebaum. And is therefore, the son of Nancy Kassebaum and grandson of Alf Landon, two big names. It's short and not nearly as much detail as I would have liked. It's still interesting, and the woman he's running against seems entirely evil (and unfortunately, she's in the legislature).

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