
The Education of Shelby Knox & (the bad) Breathless

The Education of Shelby Knox is the story of a 15 year old girl in Lubbock who wants comprehensive sex education in school and then begins to work for equal rights for the gay students. It's depressing that there could be that many people out there who are so clueless about sex education. Then again, I'm not really sure what the sex ed was in my school. I know it was a rich suburb, so I imagine it wasn't as repressed as in Texas, but I don't really remember it. It was taught by this guy who was clearly very uncomfortable. There was at least one class that was split into male and females. I'm pretty sure there was no hands-on putting condoms on anything resembling a penis. There were probably diagrams, and there was some movie, but I don't remember how explicit or anything about it really. Anyway, it's good to know that some kids of very Republican families can turn out tolerant, even if their pastors feel that that is somehow not Christian. What the hell-ass bitch? Seriously, Christianity is not a tolerant religion? Do these people just read the parts about what you're not supposed to do and then ignore the parts that Jesus actually says? There's a serious problem when you ignore your religion's prophet. It makes me happy that I'm Jewish and not very religious. You don't see too many Humanistic Jews going on and on about how everyone is doomed to go to hell. Mainly because there's no hell in Judaism, but also because we just like people. People are inherently good. It's just when they get taught to hate that they become dangerous. Anyway, I've gotten off my soapbox for this film, and I just wanted to say that I wish the movie were longer. 75 minutes is just not enough time to spend dealing with this issue. And Corey Nichols is a prick. As is Fred Phelps, but he's a very different type of prick.

Breathless is unbelievably annoying. Plus, it's not actually good. The whole remaking a great film, one that's almost perfect, is stupid. Remaking one that's 20 years old, and only adding Jerry Lee Lewis, Richard Gere's penis, and the Silver Surfer is utterly worthless. Why was this remade? Was it really just an excuse to see Richard Gere naked a couple more times? If so, I clearly am not the target audience for the movie. There are just some movies I have to see to be able to complain so much about them. This is crappy acting from Gere, horribly fake rear projection during car scenes, and just in general bad. Oh, and Valerie Kaprisky is horrible and only notable for her nudity. Which is shown enough in the movie to be almost worth watching. But then you realize that you could actually watch a good movie to see nudity. Much better to do that than support some crappy movie by spending your time on it. I am quite capable of multi-tasking, so I don't feel like I'm wasting time.

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