
King Arthur

King Arthur was one of those movies that had a great concept. In fact, a good friend of mine was working on a script with this same concept before the movie came out and was pissed that they ruined it for him. That is, of course, not the biggest problem with the film. The biggest problem is the bloated and craptacularness of it. Plus, it's really distracting to try to put names with faces, at least the Arthurian legends names. It's a typical Hollywood action film, with the faux historical trappings that were an attempt to make the movie more important. It's fluff, not good fluff, and silly to boot. I can't recommend it to anyone, even if it wasn't terrible. Just so utterly worthless that it isn't bad enough to mock, just bad enough not to be worth the over two hours I spent in the same room with it playing. Thank you, Internet, for giving me something to take my mind off it. Oh, and Antoine Fuqua can continue to Fuq-off. Yes, I'm a 12-year-old boy, what of it?

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