
The Man Who Loved Woman & Wide Sargasso Sea

The Man Who Loved Women is interesting, but I really didn't care for the main character, or pretty much any of them. It does have a lot of fairly famous French actresses in the late 70s, but I just felt it was eh, due to the fact that I don't like people in it. That's a serious problem for a film that depends on one person to carry it. I know that the unlikable character was intentional but I just got tired of women falling for this ass. I'm probably just bitter.

Wide Sargasso Sea is one of the most ridiculous NC-17s ever. Most of the NC-17s I've seen have been ridiculous and very little more than an R-rated film. Stupid prudish country. This may have been somewhat more sensual than some crappy R-rated film, but it's certainly not more explicit. Seriously, did you see how many penii there were in Before Night Falls? Just when you think you're all penised-out, the film just throws another at you. Not like this movie. Not that much full frontal nudity. But at least there aren't any horribe fake breasts in it. Maybe there was one too many thrusts, or one too many grabs of the crotch. Either way, it's a gorgeous film, but ultimately, it will only be remembered because it's NC-17. I imagine having read the book or Jane Eyre probably would have improved it a little. I'd hope at least. Based on the reviews, though, it seems like the movie just sucked. It was sort of strange to see Naomi Watts. It's not like it's her first film or something, but it was definitely weird.

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