
The Stepford Wives & Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The Stepford Wives was terrible. I don't think there was one redeeming thing in it. Not one. Christopher Walken and Glenn Close, two very talented actors, were very wasted in it. And not wasted in the good way that can sometimes make for enjoyable aspects. No, this was a mess, pure and simple. Waste of film. About the only good thing to say about it was that it was fairly short.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, on the other hand, was long. Plus, there were too many cheesy bits. And Chris Columbus wouldn't know a good director if s/he beat all the crappy movies out of him. Which would take a long time. A very long time. Longer than the movie. Anyway, as to the actual movie, it allowed itself to work much more effectively than the last one, ignoring most of the boring, but necessary, exposition that comes in the first film of a series. Plus, the triumvirate are getting more comfortable in their roles. Not sure about leaving Ron Weasley unpetrified and making Hermione stone. Ron still is an annoying person. Hermione at least seems less of a caricature. I saw the Riddle/Voldemort thing coming a mile away. I mean, with a name like Marvolo? Of course he's evil, and it's only a little stretch to start with the anagrams. I have a feeling that a lot of my complaints about characterization and the like would be fixed in the books. Makes me more interested in reading them. But I'm not going to bother until the 7th comes out and then I'll borrow them from a friend. It's not like every single person in the District I know hasn't already read them.

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