
Sunset Blvd. & iPod!

You know, with all my love for movies, and that I showed a Billy Wilder series back in college, why had I never seen Sunset Blvd.? Well, I fixed that gross oversight. I'm sorry, Bacchus, if you forgive me this, I will sacrifice 6 pigeons to appease you. Or maybe it should be Mercury based on the industry now...

See that's the sort of obscure reference I'm happy with even if no one ever gets that.

I also got my new old iPod today. It also may have been the last time I saw one of my former coworkers. I'm sad about that, but iPod! I've been missing you so much since it failed on the 5th. Almost four weeks without an iPod was insane. I had to read the paper! Argh! Actually, it wasn't that bad, but I did miss it terribly. I just need to work on not getting any more music or else I'll have to cut back again on what I can put on it. Or maybe I should have tried to see if I could trade in my iPod for a 60 gig one. Anyway, 3 cheers for Apple! ip-ip-iPod!

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