
Lots of TV stuff

Rome 1.5, Curb Your Enthusiasm 5.1, Extras 1.1, Arrested Development 3.1 & 3.2. Well, Rome is definitely improving. Yay for that. Pullo rocks, and I'm even liking that whiny bitch Octavian. CYE is back, and hilarious. Strange not to be able to watch the next episode immediately. Extras was pretty good as well, uncomfortably so, just like The Office. Too bad it will encourage comparisons with that brilliant show. And no praise will ever be enough for Kate Winslet's performance. Utterly great.

Arrested Development may actually be dirtier than before. Especially that talk between Michael and Lindsay about the copy and the car. Just wow. The fact that this show may be the dirtiest show on TV, including cable and pay TV, is just a testamount to the complete worthlessness of censorship. Thankfully there isn't that much interest in it by Brent Bozell and those asswipes, so it can go pretty damn blue. And the chicken dances were great. And I can't wait until Scott Baio comes on as Bob Loblaw. I never thought I'd be waiting for Scott Baio to do anything other than die. But he may be the only person who can make up for the Fonz leaving for his show. Until that show gets cancelled. Because it looks like it sucks. And the paying actors who played lawyers to be around at trials was great. I love this show with a passion. So filled with insane humor. I never catch everything after one viewing. Insane.

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